Published on June 5, 2004 By tjesterb In WinCustomize Talk

I just read the news on CNN. Link is to a pretty good biography.
I know there is, and was, great variance in how people viewed his policies, but I don't think anyone can deny how he always belived in the greatness of the American Dream and the American people [ no offense intended to any other nationalities present]. The values he upheld are sadly lacking in today's society. I doubt we will see someone of his stature any time soon.
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on Jun 07, 2004
I'll stay mum...

Other than saying, he's dead, wish he had not gone as he did, and wish the family the best in accepting it, assimulating it and the past and discarding all the negative while hanging onto the positive.

Sweet reminders are much nicer than bitter ones.
on Jun 07, 2004
All true, John. I too wish the family the best.
on Jun 07, 2004
Being probably the biggest non-fan of Bill Clinton's to ever live, I hereby pledge that, when he dies, if I'm still alive, I will not call C-SPAN to tell the country how poorly I thought of him. I will not assign sinister intent to every issue I disagreed with him on. If given the chance, I will stand at attention and salute his casket in deference to the former Commander In Chief of the greatest country the world has ever known.

Before Saturday, it never occurred to me to think about how I would, or more to the point, should act upon Bill Clinton's passing. The absolutely detestable rantings on C-SPAN and boards like this one have forced me to think about it though. For that I thank the ranters. I will be prepared with tact and tolerance for that day thanks to you.

RIP Ronald Wilson Reagan, and may Nancy and all his family and those who knew and loved him manage to avoid the vitriolic spewage from people whose priorities drive them to hate rather than attempt to understand. In life he brought out the best in people. In death it seems, he brings out the worst. That is truly a shame.

God Bless America,


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on Jun 07, 2004
You know BluesStringer, I was trying to figure out what to make of your post...other then the fact that I've seen every President since Truman buried which makes me a hell of a lot older then you...not that that matters. In the final analysis, this is how it works (then and now). You don't like C-Span, turn it don't like this board, don't read it.

It's not rocket science.....try it.
on Jun 08, 2004
What gary said.
on Jun 08, 2004

on Jun 08, 2004
I don't Gary, I think BlueStringer has a valid point, and not sure I understand yours. 
No, it works like this........ someone starts a memorial thread, then keep your hatred to yourself, or start your own thread. This is neither the time nor place for such antics, and it only serves to make those on the left look petty, and vicious. The very people that constantly accuse conservatives of lacking compassion, love to show their hypocrisy to the world.

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on Jun 08, 2004
Thank you Koasati. Seems to me there are a lot of things or issues which could be lectured about "how it works." Like maybe for instance, Presidents aren't Constitutionally charged with finding the cure for any disease, and none have ever even attempted it that I'm aware of. Yet Reagan is the only President to be constantly criticized for tending to his Constitutional duties rather than address a disease that, at the time, killed way less people up to that point than car accidents kill every year. It's not rocket science to figure out where Mr. Reagan did put his energies. I prefer to recognize what he DID do that was positive and right and leave it to God to sort out whatever he ignored to a moral detriment or did in his lfe that was negative or wrong. That's just not my ballywick.

I'll listen to C-SPAN and read boards like this anytime I like thanyouverymuch yrag. As I said, I've learned something from the haters and ranters, but fortunately, I get much more from the tactful, compassionate, sincere vast majority who manage to put aside their angst long enough to wish the best for a man and his family who led this country through some very rough and trying times. You may indeed be older than me, though I seriously doubt it's by a "hell of a lot." I guess all I'd advise is that you take the advice of your own screen name, which, as I read it, says, "Why rag?"

on Jun 08, 2004
Well, let's see if I can be clearer.... I agree that the intent of this thread is to show compassion and sympathy in the death of a man, in this case a former President. The first half of BlueStringer's post was a dissertation on his distaste for Clinton. He went on to make it clear that it's OK to piss on the living, but salute the dead. He then went even further to state that we (and evidently C-Span) didn't have a clue how to treat people with respect. Really?? He Does??

I find his analogy absurd and more importantly, having found some of the other posts certainly not belonging on this thread, I personally found his the most offensive. If he wants to talk about the shortcomings of others as he perceives them...then he can start his own thread.
on Jun 08, 2004
BluesStringer - if I had known you were going to continue reading this 'offensive' board, I'd have addressed my answer to Randy to both of you...

To be clear I'm not 'ragging' on you...I just happen to think you're full of shit...K?
on Jun 08, 2004

It really would have been 'nice' if this thread had remained somewhat as a 'tribute' to the passing of a World Leader as was its intent.

Next time, what say everyone makes a conscious effort NOT to engage in chest-beating.

on Jun 08, 2004
Agreed. I didn't start it, but I certainly perpetuated it and for that I'm sorry to the Author of the Thread.
on Jun 08, 2004
Presidents are human, too...even though they're not supposed to be

and since we all at times have the misfortune of making a mistake once in a while or doing or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong people...we mostly try to do the right thing....

I think he was a good man and a President that tried his best to do what was right for us as a people and to make sense of a mess of a foreign policy.

I liked what he was. I didn't always agree with his policies but I respected him. I think he did a great deal of good for the country and the world. Considering the crucial decisions he made with success to better relations with the other superpowers of the world, it's my opinion that there wasn't anyone out there that could have accomplished what he did.

He sure had a heckuva sense of humor didn't he? ...stuff like that makes the world go 'round you know??

Rest in Peace, President Reagan. You were a good guy
on Jun 08, 2004
I wouldn''t dare beat my chest

Anyways...I didn''t mean to start any Crapola.
RIP Mr.Reagen.

Oh and Randy, We don''t have to agree on everything

[Message Edited]
on Jun 08, 2004
eh Blame IP, I can take it...

anyway, his children came to peace with him over time for what ever their difference might have been. I honestly do hope that He and they had the chance to spend some reality based time together before it was all said and done.

My Grandfather went in pretty much the same manner and he did not know who any of us were in the end. That alone is a heavy load for those left behind, then put the media and everything else on top of it and the regrets, pain and questions just snowball.

Said it before and will say it again, I hope they had their chance to put some of the heavy emotional baggage away and can grasp and hold onto some really happy memories when all is said and done.
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