Recently I bought a special issue of Maximum PC, their Spring '04 issue called PC Answers. All told it had a lot of helpful information and was written in pretty plain English for those of us only aspiring to techno-geekhood. One article in the back was how to"Customize Windows XP" I figured there would be some mention of Stardock, Object Desktop, Windowblinds, something..... But what did the so-called PC Experts reccommend? Style XP! That would be fine if they had made some mention of the [better I believe] alternatives found at this site. I sent an Email to the editorial staff but have not received a reply so far. Is this site,and its related sites, just a well kept secret? Maybe Stardock should get themselves a little more positive exposure. I've read that the GUI Olymics has gotten some widespread media attention. Or maybe this place is just the best kept secret on the web?