Recently I bought a special issue of Maximum PC, their Spring '04 issue called PC Answers. All told it had a lot of helpful information and was written in pretty plain English for those of us only aspiring to techno-geekhood. One article in the back was how to"Customize Windows XP" I figured there would be some mention of Stardock, Object Desktop, Windowblinds, something..... But what did the so-called PC Experts reccommend? Style XP! That would be fine if they had made some mention of the [better I believe] alternatives found at this site. I sent an Email to the editorial staff but have not received a reply so far. Is this site,and its related sites, just a well kept secret? Maybe Stardock should get themselves a little more positive exposure. I've read that the GUI Olymics has gotten some widespread media attention. Or maybe this place is just the best kept secret on the web?
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on Mar 19, 2004
I read Maximum PC and windowblinds was featured in there recently. It was basically the same article that was mentioned, but windowblinds was the software they recommended.
on Mar 19, 2004
I was in Barnes & Nobel the other day and was looking at a magazine called "PC Utilities". It is printed in England. There was a small article on Window Blinds on page 16. The article was titled "The Essential XP Toolkit".
on Mar 20, 2004 has ObjectDock featured in the Call For Help section. I guess word is leaking out....
on Mar 20, 2004
I found wincustomize doing a Google image search for Windows Xp!

Maybe Stardock should try to get their link on
on Mar 20, 2004

PC Answers has a section called 'Extreme Customizing'....however its contributor/writer has 'issues'.....prejudice is a good word for it.

He's been known to verge very close to libel.....and his 'opinion' is a long way short of 'informed'.

Damn annoying, really since it's the one Mag I actually subscribe to....

on Mar 20, 2004
I originally found Stardock & WinCustomize after searching for a way to rid my desktop of those annoying little arrows on my icons. Dell & Microsoft couldn't or wouldn't tell me, so I did some searching and came across (another great site by the way!). And it was from there that I found a link to WindowBlinds. Just yesterday I came across the MaximumPC magazine and saw the same article about stylexp. After reading it I also wrote to the editor asking him how he could do such a thing as give out bad info like that and pointed out to him that stylexp is nothing more than a hack. I then started the praises of Stardock & WinCustomize and gave him a link to both sites so he could see for himself.

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on Mar 21, 2004
I found Wincustomize from a link from the site That's a great site for finding new and updated program goodies. I wasn't even looking to reskin anything. It was not on my list of anythings. But, something about the program description caught my attention, I followed the link, downloaded the trial, and I've been hooked ever since. I have to admit though, I've always HATED the WinXP task bar and start bar. And, the options, gee...... olive or silver of that horrific blue. Yeah right. Didn't take me long to jump on the skinning bandwagon when I discovered that it existed.

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