I've had a problem where Windowblinds won't properly load a 'blind in user accounts other than my own (account it was installed from) The colors will change to match the 'blind, but it will only render in the Windows classic theme.
This began with v4.0 I think. I emailed Stardock support at the time, and after exchanging a few mails, the support person sent me a command line script to run, which cleared it right up.
After my last reinstall I was unable to recover that email. I sent a new email to Stardock support, but after a couple messages, going over the details again, I never heard back.
Has anyone else had this problem, and of so do you have the command line text?
If I can get it, I promise to back it up to an offline storage this time.

on May 18, 2005
on May 18, 2005
Did you try Corky O's suggestion from the other post? Link

( not trying to rub anything in so don't read the 3rd comment).
on May 18, 2005
Yeah, that didn't get me anywhere. The new account has the same problem as soon as you open it. Windows Classic style.
I'll try sending another email to Stardock support.
The strange thing is I had this problem the first time in WinXP Home, then later I installed XP Pro and had the exact same problem.

(BTW, the 3rd comment in Dorky's thread has been deleted)
on May 18, 2005
Finally got it! FOr anyone else who may have the same problem, here is the fix.

In the Windoblinds folder is a userpermissions text.

Open a command line (Start>run>type cmd) change to your Windowblinds directory (cd C:\program files\stardock\object desktop\windowblinds) and type in the userpermissions text: CACLS.EXE . /E /T /G USERS:F

This will run the batch file that give users in limited accounts access to install and change WB skins.

The kids think I'm cool again......should last for about 10 minutes
on May 18, 2005
Just in case, I'm gonna copy/paste this to a text doc.

(BTW, the 3rd comment in Dorky's thread has been deleted)

that's what i get for learnig to count instead of read.

The kids think I'm cool again......should last for about 10 minutes

kids... gotta love 'em (it's the law)